Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gina's Birthday at Sea Ranch


Our last big summer hurrah -- Sea Ranch, at a new house Gina somehow scored right on bluff and only a few feet from the main trail. Sunshine was abundant only for the first day, but enough to see a sunset on Friday and watch the sky drenched with stars that night (sadly, we missed the meteor shower by one day). Highlights this trip included going to Bowling Ball Beach and our favorite bakery on Gina's birthday; playing tennis; Nate picking up a giant crab and the Julie grabbing the tiniest of lizards; and all the animals around the house: large hares, deer during the evening and night, and at some point a family of raccoons slipped through the Acura's sunroof to eat dinner and leave muddy paw prints all over, and also pull out some Canadian money we had lost under our seats!
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