Saturday, March 29, 2014

Science Fair

Another science fair, and Nate's last one in Burton Valley. Nate chose to make crystals, which started off with a few false steps -- the initial sugar crystals wouldn't grow, and then a super-super saturated solution solidified overnight. He finally found the right mixture and successfully made crystals out of sugar, copper sulfate powder (thanks, Amazon), alum, and Epsom salt. He's still waiting to eat his sugar experiment. Julie chose to make clones out of three different cabbage heads, notating smell, spots, color, growth and decomposition on nice slices every day for over a week. That's a lot of data! In the end, she had half of her slices successfully begin cloning, and we'll be planting some of them in the ground before we head off for spring break.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Hike with Gina

With rain in the forecast later in the week, Gina and I hiked up the ridge that overlooks the Moraga Country Club. It's a great, hidden trail that starts on an abandoned development of homes, over barbed wire fences, and up a few steep hills through alarmed cows. But the view goes on for miles in all directions and without a single other person in sight.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chess Tournament

On Saturday we hung out with Nate for the Elementary Team Championship Tournament at the Berkeley Chess School. It was a grueling seven-hour, six-game match: Burton Valley Elementary against many other schools (and about 150 kids total). At the end of the day, Nate's team ranked a respectable 10 out of 44 teams.  Luckily between matches there was a large playground and lots of games to be played in summer-like weather, and one very cooperative little sister.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Crazy Swimmer

Apparently 55 degrees isn't going to stop someone who's determined to get a swim in mid-March. Julie swam the whole length of the pool before shivering her way back inside the house.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Bay Trail Bike Ride

With a 70 degree day in early March, we needed to get outdoors, but not in the weed-picking and gardening way. Instead, we grabbed the bikes to Point Isabel in Richmond and rode along the Bay Trail on the waterfront to Assemble restaurant at the old WWII Ford motor plant where they built tanks.