Saturday, October 31, 2015


Trick-or-treating in Lafayette Estates: one vampiress, one vacationing Santa, one Einstein, one Pokemon, and one (exhausted) Sonic Hedgehog. Oh, and two adult Alcatraz escapees who tried to keep away from the candy gathering.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Guys Weekend

At the consideration -- or relief -- of the females in the family, I took Nate and Roman up to Arnold for a couple of nights. We hit the last few weeks of summery weather, so we drove to Lake Alpine for a quick head-dip in the water, and hiked up to the top of Inspiration Point with a nice, rocky 360 degree view. The remainder of the weekend was spent playing pool and watching Roman do circles in the lake across the street.

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Lafayette Garden Dinner

Almost exactly one year ago, our group of friends jointly bid on an outdoor dinner at the Lafayette Garden as part of a fundraising campaign. The gloves and jackets came out as the sun went down, but it was still one of the most impressive dinners all year. Champagne, beer/appetizers while making wind chimes, the tour, and then the catered meal with vegetables from the garden and salmon caught by one of the volunteers.