Thursday, October 31, 2013



Halloween is a big deal for kids, and an even bigger deal in Burton Valley. Ours started with carving pumpkins the day before with Julie’s friend Ava. On Halloween, Thursday, the kids had a regular half day, then had classroom parties before everyone gathered in the back fields for the annual parade with their little buddies. After school, our neighbors had a brief front yard gathering, then we joined another family and Nate’s friend Sy to do trick-or-treating nearby. The end result? Two tired kids by 9pm, and 4.5 lbs of candy each, which we measured on my kitchen scale. The kids seemed especially excited by their five full-sized candy bars and bag of Doritos. In the interest of limiting cavities (if that’s possible), we said they could eat all the candy they want this weekend, as long as it was after breakfast, and that their stash would go away after two days. 
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