Sunday, July 29, 2012

West Point Inn


My friend Steve invited our family and another couple to stay at the West Point Inn on Mt. Tam for his 50th birthday. I had only hiked by it, but for $50/night you get a 2 mile hike up the hill (Nate and Julie had no problem, as long as they were fed bubble gum) and then a room inside the creaky old lodge that used to be the end-point for the "World's Crookedest Railroad" in the 20's. A few of us did a mountain bike ride around the top, we made dinner in the big communal kitchen, and after the inn keeper went around turning off the gas lights (there is no electricity), we took our flashlights out for a hike under the moon. The next day we took turns trying to catch some of the western fence lizards that dotted the nearby rocks.
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