Monday, October 06, 2008

We're moving


After several years of looking, we unexpectedly found a house that seemed to offer everything in Lafayette (Burton Park neighborhood). Despite it being a ranch house, which I swore I'd never own, it seems to be the perfect blend that seemed to elude us for so long. In a good school district and small town, yet only 30 minutes by BART to San Francisco. Lots of families in walking distance nearby, but secluded backyard with serene quiet and privacy. Lots of trees and open space around, and yet great easy biking trail access to schools and downtown. And it doesn't hurt that Lafayette is building a huge 3-story new library scheduled to open later this year and a Whole Foods grocery store. I'm looking forward to moving in November and to getting to know a whole new set of school parents. We'll miss Redwood City, especially everyone at Orion Elementary and Beresford Montessori, but we look forward to putting new roots down without worrying about future schools or how to share one bathroom.