Monday, September 15, 2008

First Days of School!





It's been a couple of weeks now, but I had to mark the occasion of Nate's first day of Kindergarten on Sept 2 and Julie's return to preschool the day after. What a couple of brave kids. Nate dutifully prepared for school while Julie completely lost it emotionally (note the teary eyes in the car), but then everyone put their best feet forward when it came for actual drop off a mere six blocks from home. It also helps that Nate's teacher Robbie seems to be the favored teacher by parents and kids at Orion Elementary. The following day Julie donned her Beresford uniform and made her way to classes, only clinging to legs slightly during our goodbyes. Since these initial days, we've become fully involved with Orion (fundraising, web design, library help, teaching help, gardening help, etc). And Nate expressed some separation anxiety symptoms a few times at home, but through a lot of talking and new house rules -- which everyone signed -- we seem in better shape than before. Onward & upward.
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