Saturday, August 05, 2006

San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers

Nate probably won't think fondly of this day in San Francisco, only because we hit the milestone of his first bee sting. But it was a great day, starting with dropping a baby present by the Deacon's, followed by lunch in Hayes Valley. We then his the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park, complete with dahlia gardens, the water lily and carnivorous plant exhibit, and the butterfly room with lots of flying butterflies up close & personal. I blame myself for encouraging Nate to roll down the hills outside of the conservatory, where he happened to roll right over a honey bee. A surprised and upset Nate was calmed by a chilly can of soda purchased nearby which acted as a cold compress. The cutest scene of all: Julie jumped on Nate and covered him with kisses and hugs saying "It's okay, Nate! Don't cry, Nate!" as he was crying. A doctor in the making?