Sunday, April 05, 2015

Spring Break

The calendar said spring break, but it felt more like summer in the mountains. Gina and I restricted ourselves to the lightest of work duties  on the first day(installed new light fixture, programmed new thermostat, set up new audio soundbar), and then it was all play: walking around the lake across the road, doing a walking tour at Moaning Cavern, hikes on the Arnold Rim Trail and Big Trees park, dinners out, tennis, wine tasting, and of course lots of pool playing. Few people were in town or on the roads, and the only crowds we saw were at the cavern. Even still, that was my highlight with the tight walk down the stairs, and then in the middle of the biggest cavern, the long spiral staircase made out of a WWI battleship. The kids seemed to like the picnic and hikes along the rivers in Big Trees park, even though Nate ended up taking an unexpected bath and Julie and I decided it was too cold to stay in for long. Caspian, as always, was the perfect car companion, albeit a little messy in the cabin.