Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sea Ranch Activities

We spent a good portion of the vacation reading our books in the house, and each day we spiced things up with an outing or activity:
  • Tennis at the courts (including the great sea-side court near the Big Barn)
  • Hiking Fisk Mill Cove, one of my favorites
  • Biking, and catching a couple of red racer snakes.
  • Looking for tadpoles and frogs and whatever you call it when it's between a frog & a tadpole in the "Hot Spot" river.
  • Eating, eating, eating. Mainly at Bones (Nate's & my favorite BBQ spot of all time) and the Two Fish Bakery.
  • Walking along the bluff trail.
  • Ping-pong, hot tubbing, but no was foggy & cold most of the time!